

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dr. Jose Rizal

Who is Dr. Jose Rizal for the youth of this generation? I don't know the other youth of what they think when someone will mention “who is Dr. Jose Rizal to them?,” for me he is a Philippine Hero and a well know doctor in the late 1800's. But my view in his background is so little and just efficient to know that he is the Philippine hero, that is all I know, because well me or the youth don't really care what Dr. Jose Rizal did in the past to save the Philippine. If I ask someone that with the same age, they only know that Dr. Jose Rizal is a well respected hero. Even the youth that has a great intellect, will just know who is Dr. Jose Rizal, a Philippine hero nothing else. Generation today or in the coming years will just know that Dr. Jose Rizal is just a Philippine hero then it will fade away for in the next coming years.

We and with the help of teachers must educate the students today and the incoming students about more about Dr. Jose Rizal past. Well to high school students its a subject, also in college but in college they will just neglect the subject because its just about Dr. Jose Rizal. That is mostly what they think about the subject, we or all the youth generation must not think like that, because Dr. Jose Rizal freed us and give us a reason to stand our ground and evolve into a nation. We must study his background so we could further understand why he did it. Also other teachers make it a hard subject or making it more like a major subject (no offense, if hitted ^^). But most teachers do this, so other students will be afraid the subject. But in my side I don't care about his past, But again, I want to know about it with the help of the teachers.

This is what James know about Dr. Jose Rizal, maybe because most of teenager in our new generation they don't have any interest about the heroes history that's why they didn't know more about them.

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